Sector coupling

“Sector coupling” – the interconnection of the electricity, heating, building, transport and – is a reality and no longer a topic of the future.

In order to make efficient use of volatile renewable energies, the flexibility of the sectors must be assessed in an integrative way. For example, wind and solar surpluses can be used to generate “green heat,” or electricity can be stored using hydrogen electrolysis and then used to power a truck. If electricity should ever be in short supply, on the other hand, bidirectionally controlled e-vehicle fleets can contribute to an uninterrupted energy supply in the future. From a system perspective, sector coupling is indispensable, but at the same time it offers companies and pioneers opportunities and possibilities for new business models.


Verzahnung verschiedener Energiequellen und Energieverbrauchern

But the dawn of the new world also brings challenges and complexity. Gone are the days when an analysis of the electricity market could content itself with power plant capacity and load profiles.

The emergence of new flexible consumers with new opportunities and in new markets has increased the importance of and requirements for a fundamental economic analysis, and the electricity market is gradually being replaced by an interconnected energy system. When evaluating logistics concepts, planning heat supply, etc., on the other hand, developments in electricity markets must now be considered as well.

Feel free to contact us!

In order to support you with issues of this kind and related to the topic of sector coupling, we have assembled a versatile team of economists, mathematicians, engineers and geoinformaticians. We use quantitative models and complex simulations to be able to map multi-layered and increasingly interconnected systems. Thus, we keep track of things even in a world that is becoming more and more complex.