Plausibility check, preparation and evaluation of the data of the Federal Network Agency’s (BNetzA) Load Management Monitoring for years 2017 to 2019
We have developed a methodology for plausibility checks, evaluation and extrapolation of load management potentials of the German industry. In addition, we are training the Federal Network Agency to be able to apply these independently in future.
In this project we developed a methodology for the quantitative evaluation of the survey data by German companies from the survey years 2017, 2018 and 2019 as well as for the extrapolation and validation of the results and document them in a publishable report. We also organise workshops with the BNetzA and the BMWi and support them in the further development of the questionnaire. All industrial companies with an electricity consumption of more than 50 GWh (approx. 1,000 sites throughout Germany) are taken into account in the surveys.
methodology are published in an integrated report covering the survey years 2017, 2018 and 2019 in an easily understandable way.
The final report is available here (German version).